I know why it broke, but it’s still not fixed.

Looks like when the plugin that handles the portfolio got updated, the developer decided to change the syntax of the code that actually calls the plugin. Hence why the portfolio broke. The documentation is a little spotty, so the next step is debugging what exactly the plugin needs to generate the proper effect.

Don’t update unless you’re ready to deal with breaking things

Sigh, lesson reinforced again. Log into the site quickly, see that there are a pile of updates to plugins and WordPress itself so I go ahead and run all the updates. Of course, the portfolio breaks. It’s 12:43 am. I need to sleep. So the portfolio will sit broken until I can find a few hours to find what went …

Set adjacent css columns to the same height

This one’s been driving people nuts since we made the switch to css layouts from tables. With a little jQuery, here’s the solution I’ve used. Just change “div” to the selector of the elements you want to equalize. [js]var maxHeight = 0; $(‘div’) .each(function() { maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, $(this).height()); })<code> .height(maxHeight);</code>[/js] Once again, thanks to StackOverflow for the solution.

Help folks out when your form fails

Your form has failed, and you’ve shown your visitor an error message asking them to contact you by email. Why not take it a step further and copy the contents of the form into an email message for them? So here’s our form submit code. [php]<?php if (isset($_POST["frmSubmit"])) { if(!isset($_POST["name"]) || !isset($_POST["email"])) { header("Location: registration_sent.php?error=2"); } else { $firstname = …

Guidelines for HTML email’s

This was provided to me by an agency that I was doing some work for, so I take no credit for it. It’s ridiculously thorough and I find myself referring back to it each time I build an email campaign for a client. General Guidelines Use tables for layout Do not use rowspan in tables (see example below). Do not …


You can see that the site’s layout is somewhat broken at this point. Usually this is something that gets caught prior to a site going live, but I’m also using this site as an experiment in exposing the process of design. Underestimating the necessary heights of backgrounds is something that comes up often enough. In my case, I’d like to …

The Process

I find looking at really amazing work really frustrating at times. Looking at the final site, brochure, whatever, never gives you a sense of the process the designer used to complete the project. It always appears as if these amazing ideas always spring forth from the minds of designers fully formed and realized. Rarely can you see the half dozen …

Just a little more…

Well, as you can see I’m still moving forward. With the use of jQuery I’ve now got a fancy slider that will remember it’s state! The coverflow style scroller was part of my original comp, but I’m not sure if I like it in practice. Now that I’m playing with it, it feels a bit overdone. Next I plan on …

Wow! Soft Launch!

Well here we go. The template is completed, so I’d call this an Alpha release. No content, pretty minimal functionality, but the template is built, and that’s been the hard part up to this point.